
    • 姓  名: 朱錦濤   Jintao Zhu

    • 出生年月:

    • 學歷: 博士

    • 職稱: 教授

    • 專業方向:高分子化學與物理、功能高分子

    • 電    話:027-87793240

    • Email:[email protected]

    • 個人主頁:http://posm.shenjuapp.com


    [8] 2016.04-今 華中科技大學化學與化工學院 院長;

    [7] 2013.03-2016.03 華中科技大學化學與化工學院,副院長;

    [6] 2009.06-今  華中科技大學化學與化工學院,教授、博士生導師;

    [5] 2006.12-2009.05 美國麻省大學阿莫斯特校區高分子科學與工程系,Postdoctoral Researcher;

    [4] 2005.10-2006.11 加拿大阿爾伯特大學國家納米技術研究中心,Postdoctoral Fellow;

    [3] 2002.09-2005.07 中科院長春應用化學研究所高分子物理與化學國家重點實驗室,博士生;

    [2] 2000.09-2002.07 湖南大學化學與化工學院,碩士生;

    [1] 1996.09-2000.07 湖南大學化學與化工學院,本科生。


    [1] 超分子組裝與高分子材料微結構調控;

    [2] 響應性光學材料制備與應用;

    [3] 腫瘤靶向治療用納米藥物構建與性能評價;

    [4] 生物醫用高分子聚集體的藥物緩釋與生物活性物質的傳輸;

    [5] 智能凝膠材料構筑與環境響應性能。


    [10] 聚合物有序結構材料(國家自然科學基金杰出青年科學基金,2016-2020);

    [9] 聚合物-無機納米粒子組裝體的構建及在腫瘤治療中的應用(湖北省科技廳國際合作項目,2015-2017);

    [8] 基于結構色的聚合物光學防偽材料制備與應用(深圳市科技計劃項目,2015-2017);

    [7] 具有可調表面結構的聚合物微球的構建及其對機體免疫系統的影響(國家自然科學基金,2015-2018);

    [6] 超分子導向無機納米粒子的分級有序組裝及性能研究(國家自然科學基金,2012-2015);

    [5] 外場調控下嵌段共聚物及聚合物-無機納米棒嵌段體的組裝性能(國家自然科學基金重大研究計劃重點項目子課題,2012-2015);

    [4] 有序結構納米復合生物材料(湖北省科技廳杰出青年科學基金,2012-2014);

    [3] 嵌段共聚物乳液液滴的界面不穩定現象機理及微結構調控(國家自然科學基金,2011-2013);

    [2] 高分子物理凝膠化機理、結構形成與功能調控(科技部973項目子課題,2012-2016);

    [1] 突破肝癌生理屏障新型納米藥物的構建與表征(科技部973項目子課題,2012-2016)。


    [3] 2015.07-今,湖北省應用化學專業委員會 副主任委員;

    [2] 2014.11-今,能量轉換與存儲材料化學教育部重點實驗室 副主任;

    [1] 2014.06-今,全國材料新技術發展研究會 常務理事。



    [45] Wang, K., Jin, S. M., Xu, J. P., Liang, R. J., Khurram, S., Xue, Z. G.*, Xie, X. L., Lee, E. L*., Zhu, J. T*. Electric-directed assembly of polymer-tethered gold nanorods under cylindrical confinement.ACS Nano 2016, 10(5), 4954-4960.

    [44] Deng, R. H., Li, H., Zhu, J. T.*, Li, B. H.*, Liang, F. X., Jia, F., Qu, X. Z., Yang, Z. Z.* Janus Nanoparticles of Block Copolymers by Emulsion Solvent Evaporation Induced Assembly. Macromolecules 2016, 49, 1362-1368.

    [43] Xu, J. P., Wu, Y. Q., Wang, K., She, L.*, Zhu, J. T.* Polymeric nano-bowls generated via 3D confined assembly and disassembly.Soft Matter 2016, 12, 3683-3687.

    [42] Shen, L.*, Zhu, J. T.* Orientated protein nanoarrays on block copolymer template. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2016, 37(6), 494-499.

    [41] Shen, L.*,Zhu, J. T.* Heterogeneous surfaces for repelling proteins.Advanced in Colloid and Interface Science 2016, 228, 40-54.

    [40] Li, W. K., Wang, K., Zhang, P., He, J., Wang, K., Xu, S. Y., Zhu, J. T.*, Xie, X. L., Nie, Z. H.* Self-assembly of Shaped Nanoparticles into Free-standing 2D and 3D Superlattices. Small 2016, 12, 499-505.

    [39] Wang, J. Y., Song, K., Wang, L., Liu, Y. J., Perez, M. T., Liu, B., Han, X. J., Zhu, J. T.*, Nie, Z. H.* Formation of hybrid core-shell microgels induced by autonomous unidirectional migration of nanoparticles. Materials Horizons 2016, 3, 78-82.

    [38] Xu, J. P., Wang, K., Liang, R. J., Yang, Y., Zhou, H. M., Xie, X. L.,Zhu, J. T.* Structural Transformation of diblock copolymer/homopolymer assembly by tuning cylindrical confinement and interfacial interactions. Langmuir 201531, 12354-12361.

    [37] Xu, J. P., Yang, Y., Wang, K., Li, J. Y., Zhou, H. M., Xie, X. L., Zhu, J. T.* Additives Induced Structural Transformation of ABC Triblock Copolymer Particles.Langmuir 2015, 31, 10975-10982.

    [35] Li, J. Y., Chen, L. Z., Xu, J. P., Wang, K., Wang, X. F., He, X. H., Lin, S. L.*, Zhu, J. T.* Photo-guided deformation of azobenzene-based polymer microparticles. Langmuir 2015, 31, 13094-13100.

    [34] Dong, L. Y., Li, M. L., Zhang, S., Li, J., Tu, Y. T., Zhu, J. T.*, Tao, J.* Cytotoxicity of BSA-stabilized Au nanoclusters: An in vitro and in vivo study. Small 2015, 11, 2571-2581.

    [33] Liu, S. Q., Deng, R. H., Shen, L*, Xie, X. L., Zhu, J. T.* Crystal-like polymer microdiscs. Macromolecules 2015, 48, 5944-5950.

    [32] Deng, R. H., Li, H., Liang, F. X., Zhu, J. T.*, Li, B. H.*, Xie, X. L., Yang, Z. Z.* Soft colloidal molecules with tunable geometry by3D confined assembly of block copolymers. Macromolecules 2015, 48, 5855-5860.

    [31] Xu, J. P., Wang, K., Li, J. Y., Zhou, H. M., Xie, X. L., Zhu J. T.* ABC triblock copolymer particles with tunable shape and internal structure through 3D confined assembly.Macromolecules 2015, 48, 2628-2636.

    [30] Deng, R. H., Liang, F. X.*, Qu, X. Z., Wang, Q., Zhu, J. T.*, Yang, Z. Z.* Diblock copolymer based Janus nanoparticles. Macromolecules 2015, 48, 750-755.

    [29] Liang, R. J., Xu, J. P., Li, W. K., Liao Y. G., You, J. C., Wang, K., Zhu, J. T.*, Jiang, W. Precise localization of  inorganic nanoparticles in block copolymer micellar aggregates: From center to interface. Macromolecules, 2015, 48, 256-263.

    [28] Jia, X. L., Wang, J. Y., Wang, K., Zhu, J. T.* Highly sensitive mechanochromic photonic hydrogels with fast reversibility and mechanical stability. Langmuir 2015, 31, 8732-8737.

    [27] Li, J., Wang, Y. J., Liang, R. J., An, X. J., Wang, K., Tu, Y. T., Zhu, J. T.*, Tao, J.* Recent advanced targeted nanoparticles drug delivery to melanoma. Nanomediciine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine 2015, 11, 769-794.

    [26] Shen, L*., Zhu, J. T*., Liang, H. J.* Block copolymer thin films with heterogeneity surface through solvent annealing: A fibrinogen adsorption study. Journal of Chemical Physics 2015, 142, 101908.

    [25] Shen, L.*, Xie, J., Tao, J.*, Zhu, J. T.* Anti-biofouling surface with sub-20 nm heterogeneous nanopatterns. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2015, 3, 1157-1162.

    [24] Jia, X. L., Hu, Y. D., Wang, K., Liang, R. J., Li, J. Y., Wang, J. Y.*, Zhu, J. T.* Uniform core-shell photonic crystal microspheres as microcarriers for optical encoding.  Langmuir, 2014,30, 11883-11889.

    [23] Liang, R. J., Xu, J. P., Deng, R. H., Wang, K., Liu, S. Q., Li, J. Y., Zhu, J. T.*Assembly of polymer-tethered gold nanoparticles under cylindrical confinement. ACS Macro Letters 2014, 3, 486-490.

    [22] Deng, R. H., Liu, S. Q., Wang, K., Liang, F. X*, Zhu, J. T.*, Yang, Z. Z.* Polymeric Janus particles with hierarchical structures.Macromolecules 2014, 47, 3701-3707.

    [21] Deng, R. H., Liang, F. X.*, Zhou, P., Zhang, C. L., Qu, X. Z., Wang, Q., Zhu, J. T.*, Yang, Z. Z.*, Janus nano-disc of diblock copolymer.Advanced Materials 2014, 26, 4469-4472 (Inside Front Cover).

    [20] Wang, J. Y., Li, W. K., Zhu, J. T.* Encapsulation of Inorganic Nanoparticles into Block Copolymer Micellar Aggregates: Strategies and Precise Localization of Nanoparticles. Polymer 2014, 55, 1079-1096 (Front Cover).

    [19] Li, W. K., Zhu, X. G., Wang, J. Y., Li, J. Y., Liang, R. J., Liu, S. Q., Tu, G. L., Zhu, J. T.* Encapsulation of pristine fullerene within block copolymer micelles through interfacial instabilities of emulsion droplets. Journal of Colloid & Interfaces 2014, 418, 81-86.

    [18] Hu, Y. D., Wang, J. Y., Zhu, J. T.*, Yang, Y. J.* Janus photonic crystal microspheres: Generation and application as centrifugation sensors. Langmuir 2013, 29, 15529-15534.

    [17] Liang, R. J., Wang, J., Wu, X., Xiong X. Q., Deng, R. H., Liu, S. Q., Wu, M., Gan, L., Tao, J.*, Yang, X. L.*, Zhu, J. T.* Multifunctional biodegradable polymer nanoparticles with uniform sizes: Generation and applications in therapy of malignant melanoma. Nanotechnology 2013, 45, 455302.

    [16] Deng, R. H., Liang, F. X., Yang, Z. Z.*, Zhu, J. T.* Reversible transformation of nanostructured polymer particles. Macromolecules 2013, 46, 7012-7017.

    [15] Wang, J. Y., Hu, Y. D., Deng, R. H., Liang, R. J., Li, W. K., Liu, S. Q., Zhu, J. T.* Multi-responsive photonic crystal microparticles with inverse-opal structure. Langmuir 2013, 29, 8825-8834.

    [14] Deng, R. H., Liang, F. X., Li, W. K., Liu, S. Q., Liang, R. J., Cai, M. L., Yang, Z. Z., Zhu, J. T.* Shaping functional nano-objects by 3D confined supramolecular assembly, Small 2013, 9, 4099-4103. (Frontispiece)

    [13] Li, W. K., Liu, S. Q., Deng, R. H., Wang, J. Y., Nie, Z. H.*, Zhu, J. T.* A simple route to improve inorganic nanoparticles loading efficiency in block copolymer micelles. Macromolecules, 2013, 46, 2282-2291.

    [12] Li, W. K., Zhang, P., Dai, M., He, J., Babu, T., Xu, Y. L., Deng, R. H., Liang, R. J., Lu, M. H., Nie, Z. H.*, Zhu, J. T.* Ordering of gold nanorods in confined spaces by directed assembly. Macromolecules 2013, 46, 2241-2248.

    [11] Yang, Z. F., Xue, Z. G., Liao, Y. G., Zhou, X. P., Zhou, J. Q., Zhu, J. T., Xie, X. L. Hierarchical hybrids of carbon nanotubes in amphiphilic poly(ethylene oxide)-block-polyaniline through a facile method: From smooth to thorny. Langmuir 2013, 29, 3757-3764.

    [10] Hu, Y. D., Wang, J. Y., Wang, H., Wang, Q., Zhu, J. T.*, Yang, Y. J.* Microfluidic fabrication and thermo-reversible response of core/shell photonic crystalline microspheres based on deformable nanogels. Langmuir 2012, 28, 17186-17192.

    [9] Wang, J. Y., Hu, Y. D., Deng, R. H., Xu, W. J., Liu, S. Q., Liang, R. J., Nie, Z. H., Zhu, J. T.* Construction of multifunctional photonic crystal microcapsules with tunable shell structures by combining microfluidic and controlled photopolymerization.Lab on a Chip 2012, 12, 2795-2798.

    [8] Hu, Y. D., Wang, Q., Wang, J. Y.,Zhu, J. T.,* Wang, H., Yang, Y. J.* Shape controllable microgel particles prepared by microfluidic combining external ionic crosslinking. Biomicrofluidics 2012, 6, 026502.

    [7] Bae, J., Lawrence, J., Miesch C., Ribbe, A., Li, W. K., Emrick, T.,* Zhu, J. T.,* Hayward, R. C.* Multifunctional nanoparticles-loaded spherical and wormlike micelles formed by interfacial instabilities. Advanced Materials 2012, 24, 2735-2741.

    [6] Deng, R. H., Liu, S. Q., Li, J. Y., Liao, Y. G., Tao, J., Zhu, J. T.* Mesoporous block copolymer nanoparticles with tailored structures by hydrogen-bonding-assisted self-assembly.Advanced Materials 2012, 24, 1889-1893.

    [5] Liu, S. Q., Deng, R. H., Li, W. K., Zhu, J. T.*Polymer microparticles with controllable surface-textures generated through interfacial instabilities of emulsion droplets. Advanced Functional Materials 2012, 22, 1692-1697. (Front Cover)
    [4] Wang, N. X., Liao, Y. G., Deng, R. H., Liu, S. Q., Cao, N., Tan, B., Zhu, J. T.*, Xie, X. L. Polymer-inorganic hybrid microparticles with hierarchical structures by interfacial instabilities of emulsion droplets.Soft Matter 2012, 8, 2697-2704.
    [3] Zhu, J. T.*, Hayward, R. C.* Interfacial tension of evaporating emulsion droplets containing amphiphilic block copolymers: Effects of solvent and polymer composition. Journal of Colloid & Interface Science 2012, 365, 275-279.

    [2] Yu, X.; Zhao, Z. L.; Nie, W.; Deng, R. H.; Liu, S. Q.; Liang, R. J.; Zhu, J. T.*; Ji, X. L. Biodegradable polymer microcapsules fabrication through a template-free approach. Langmuir 2011, 27, 10265-10273.

    [1] Li, W. K.; Liu, S. Q.; Deng, R. H.; Zhu, J. T.* Encapsulation of nanoparticles in block copolymer micellar aggregates by directed supramolecular assembly. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2011, 50, 5865-5868.


    [9] 獲國家杰出青年科學基金(2015)

    [8] 中國化學會青年化學獎(2013);

    [7] 獲湖北省杰出青年基金(2012);

    [6] 華中科技大學“十佳青年教工”;(2012);

    [5] 湖北省新世紀優秀人才工程青年骨干人才(2011);

    [4] 華中科技大學“青年五四獎章”;(2011);

    [3] 華中科技大學“三育人”獎 (2011);

    [2] 華中科技大學研究生最喜愛的導師“師表獎”; (2010);

    [1] 教育部新世紀優秀人才(2009);


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