1997/9-2001/7 武漢大學化學與分子科學學院(本科)
2001/9-2006/7 武漢大學化學與分子科學學院(碩博連讀)
2005/3-2006/3 香港浸會大學化學系(訪問學者)
2007/3-2009/2 華中科技大學化學與化工學院(博士后)
2009/4-今 華中科技大學化學與化工學院(教師)
[1] Shitao Fu, Shouzhe Gong, Chengyong Liu, Liping Zheng, Wenfang Feng, Jin Nie, Zhibin Zhou. Ionic liquids based on bis(2,2,2-trifluoroethoxysulfonyl)imide with various oniums. Electrochimica Acta, 2013, 94, 229-237.
[2] Shi-Tao Fu, Shuai-Ling Liao, Jin Nie, Zhi-Bin Zhou. N,N-Dialkyl perfluoroalkanesulfonamides: Synthesis, characterization and properties. J. Fluorine Chem., 2013, 147, 56-64.
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[4] Shitao Fu, Xunjin Zhu, Guijiang Zhou, Wai-Yeung Wong, Cheng Ye, Wai-Kwok Wong, Zaoying Li. Synthesis, Structures and Optical Power Limiting of Some Transition Metal and Lanthanide Monoporphyrinate Complexes Containing Electron-Rich Diphenylamino Substituents. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2007, 2004-2013.
[5] Shitao Fu, Guijiang Zhou, Xunjin Zhu, Cheng Ye, Wai-Kwok Wong, Zaoying Li. Synthesis of New Monoporphyrinate Lanthanide Complexes for Potential Use in Optical Limiting. Chem. Lett., 2006, 35(7), 802-803.
[6] Xun-jin Zhu, Shi-tao Fu, Wai-Kwok Wong,Jian-ping Guo, Wai-Yeung Wong. A Near-Infrared-Fluorescent Chemodosimeter for Mercuric Ion Based on an Expanded Porphyrin. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2006, 45, 3150-3154.
[7] 付世濤,王凱,謝征,李早英. 新型橋聯(lián)雙卟啉化合物的合成及結構表征,高等學校化學學報,2004, 25(7), 1204-1208.