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作者:  發布:2014-05-20 00:48:32  點擊量:




報告人:陳曦 博士 哈佛大學 Jane Coffin Childs Postdoctoral Fellow



DNA 雙螺旋結構的發現不僅揭開了遺傳學奧秘,也讓人類把DNA做為智能生物材料而進行工程改造創造了可能。近年來,結構DNA納米科技(structural DNA nanotechnology)如DNA折紙術(DNA origami)、單鏈DNA瓦(Single-stranded tile)蓬勃發展。與此同時,動態DNA納米科技(dynamic DNA nanotechnology)也發生了革命性的進展?;趩捂溔〈?/span>strand displacement)的邏輯門和信號放大器為在溶液中實現任意化學反應網絡成為可能?;谶@些技術,DNA集成電路、DNA機械控制、DNA圖像處 理等功能被相繼實現。在這次報告中,我將介紹動態DNA納米科技的理論基礎,即DNA雜交及單鏈取代的熱力學和動力學,對近來該領域的關鍵進展作出綜述, 并著重介紹我本人在DNA信號放大器和圖像處理器方面的工作。



1. Chirieleison S, Allen P, Simpson ZB, Ellington AD, Chen X*. (2013) Pattern transformation with DNA circuits. Nat Chem. 5:1000-1005

2. Chen X, Briggs N, McLain JR, Ellington AD. Stacking nonenzymatic circuits for high signal gain . Proc Natl Acad Sci U.S.A. 110 (14) : 5386- 5391

3. Li B, Chen X*, Ellington AD. (2012) Probing Spatial Organization of DNA Strands using Enzyme - free Hairpin Assembly Circuits. J Am Chem Soc. 134(34): 13918 – 13921

4. Chen X*. (2012) Expanding the rule set of DNA circuitry with associative toehold activation.  J Am Chem Soc. 34(1):263-71.

5. Li B, Ellington AD, Chen X*. (2011)  Rational, modular adaptation of enzyme - free DNA circuits to multiple detection methods. Nucleic Acids Res. 39(16):e110

6. Eckhoff G, Codrea V, Ellington AD, Chen X*. (2010) Beyond allostery: Catalytic regulation of a deoxyribozyme through an entropy - driven DNA amplifier. J Syst Chem. 1:13 

7. Chen X, Ellington AD. (2010) Shaping up nucleic acid computation (Review). Curr Opin  Biotechnol. 21(4):392- 400 

8. Chen X, Ellington AD. (2009) Design Principles for Ligand- Sensing, Conformation- Switching Ribozymes. PLoS Comput Biol. 5(12):e1000620

9. Chen X, Denison L, Levy M, Ellington AD. (2009) Direct selection for ribozyme cleavage activity in cells RNA. 15(11):2035- 45

10. Chen X, Li N, Ellington AD. (2007) Ribozyme catalysis of metabolism in the RNA world.  (Review) Chem Biodivers. 4(4):633 - 55.  

11. Chen X, Wang Y, Liu Q, Zhang Z, Fan C, He L. (2006) Construction of molecular logic gates with a DNA- cleaving deoxyribozyme. Angew Chem Int Ed. 45(11):1759- 62



2012  Jane Coffin Childs Postdoctoral Fellowship 

2011  Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT)   Postdoctoral Fellowship 

2010  CPRIT Cancer Research Fellowship 

2009  Graduate School Continuing Fellowship

2008  Ravel A ward

2007  Welch Summer Fellowship

2005  Hamilton/Schoch Fellowship 

2004  Dong’s East Scholarship (Only recipient department- wide) 

2003  Exemplar of Merit  Students (One of only 9 recipients university- wide) 

2003  National Scholarship ( Only recipient department- wide) 

2002  First Prize in  Physics Competition ( One of only 3 recipients university - wide)

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