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作者:  發布:2014-05-20 00:48:32  點擊量:
報告題目Forward osmosis and pressure retarded osmosis technology
報告人:Chuyang Y. Tang副教授(香港大學)
Forward osmosis and pressure retarded osmosis technology
Forward osmosis (FO) has attracted increasing attention for water and energy applications in recent years.  Dr. CY Tang’s research group has been involved in several FO-related projects.  This presentation will highlight our latest progress in various aspects of FO research including osmotic membrane and process modeling; novel FO membrane development; c) FO fouling evaluation; and d) novel FO process development.  The modeling of FO membrane performance (water flux and solute flux) will be briefly discussed.  This leads to a set of membrane design criteria for optimal FO performance.  Novel FO membranes with superior FO performance will be discussed.  FO fouling and FO process development will also be briefly discussed.
About the speaker
Dr Chuyang Y. Tang is an associate professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, the University of Hong Kong.  He obtained his PhD degree from the Environmental Engineering and Science Program at Stanford University in 2007.  Dr. Tang’s main research interests include membrane technology, water chemistry, surface and interfacial science, and advanced physical and chemical processes.  Dr. Tang is an author of more than 100 refereed journal papers and 3 book chapters.  His work been highly cited in the membrane research community, and he has been awarded numerous Most Cited Paper awards. Dr. Tang is an recipient of the Finland Distinguished Professorship Fellowship and the International Desalination Association Fellowship. 

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