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伊拉克迪亞拉大學Anees Khadom教授做客第400期化苑講壇

作者:  發布:2019-03-20 08:50:28  點擊量:

報告題目Corrosion Problems and Solutions in Iraq: Research and Practical views

人:Prof. Anees Khadom





Anees Khadom教授,伊拉克迪亞拉大學教授,化工學院院長,主要從事油田腐蝕與防護方面的研究工作,尤其是井下苛刻環境下的抽油桿和管柱腐蝕機理,緩蝕劑研發和流體沖刷腐蝕模擬與計算等,具有大量的腐蝕工程實踐經驗。已發表國際學術刊物論文66篇,國際會議論文11篇,出版學術著作3部。



   Iraq is one of most important petroleum countries. It produces about 4,460,000 bbI/day and 740 ton/day of crude oil and liquefied gas respectively. Equipment used during production and transportation process can be in contact with different environments (acidic, saline, aqueous, etc). Some of these environments are very corrosive to metals of equipment. Corrosion is the cancer of industry. It costs billions of dollars annually. Corrosion engineers and scientists do their best to reduce the effect of this serious problem. Many solutions and studies are presented to investigate these phenomena. Our corrosion laboratory in University of Diyala was part of the solution through tenths of scientific reports and papers. In the presentation, a brief introduction of corrosion problems in petroleum and industrial sectors in Iraq was addressed and the research activities of corrosion laboratory in University of Diyala were also discussed. The outlines and main contents of the presentation are shown below:

? Introduction to petroleum industries in Iraq;

? Corrosion in petroleum sector of Iraq;

? Fields and local examination of corrosion;

? From industry to laboratory tests and scientific research;

? Corrosion control via inhibitors: practical and research views;

? Corrosion control via coating: practical and research views;

? Corrosion control via cathodic protection: practical and research views;

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