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科羅拉多大學Ivan Smalyukh教授做客第334期化苑講壇

作者:  發布:2018-04-09 11:22:18  點擊量:

報告題目:Smart Windows from Liquid Crystalline Aerogels

Ivan Smalyukh教授





Ivan I. Smalyukh is a full professor at the Department of Physics at CU-Boulder, which he joined in 2007. He is also a founding fellow of Renewable Sustainable Energy Institute and Materials Science Engineering Program and directs the Soft Matter Physics Group at CU-Boulder. His research focuses on soft matter and biological systems, including liquid crystals, colloids, polymers, bacteria, gels, biomaterials and their photonic, electro-optic and energy-related applications. He published ~160 papers, including many in Nature, Science, etc., and has an h-index of 44. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society (APS). He received many awards, including the Bessel and Glenn Brown Awards, the PECASE Award from the White House and the GSoft Award from the American Physical Society.


Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning of buildings account for about 15% of the global energy consumption, but about 20% of this building-related energy is lost because of inefficient windows. Greenhouse emissions associated with producing and using this energy contribute substantially to climate change. Is there a solution to this challenging problem? Starting from the physical principles associated with energy loss through windows, I will describe our development of visibly transparent, infrared-reflecting, thermally super-insulating materials that may replace or retrofit the inefficient windowpanes of residential and commercial buildings. Using many demonstrations, I will discuss how this technology has much in common with liquid crystal displays and how production of such unusual transparent aerogel materials is aided by bacteria to make them affordable.

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