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作者:  發布:2017-07-10 00:00:00  點擊量:


報告題目:General and Robust Strategies for Nanocrystals with Precisely Controlled Dimensions, Composition, and Architectures for Energy Applications







林志群教授,1972年出生于福建,本科、碩士、博士分別畢業于廈門大學(1995)、復旦大學(1998)和美國馬薩諸塞大學安姆斯特分校(2003),先后工作于美國伊利諾伊大學厄巴納-香檳分校(2002-2004)、愛荷華州立大學(2004-2011)和佐治亞理工學院(2011- )。林教授主要從事高分子納米復合材料、納米結構功能材料與新能源電池材料的設計合成、結構調控、性能優化及其應用研究。林教授是國際著名材料學家、英國皇家化學會會士、美國杰青、美國物理學會 Frank J. Padden Jr.獎獲得者、Journal of Materials Chemistry A副主編和Nanoscale編委。迄今組織/擔任國際學術會議/分會主席40余次;應邀在國際會議或科研院所作學術報告170多場。已經發表SCI論文200多篇,其中以通訊/第一作者在Science (1)Nature Nanotechnology (1)Nature Communications (1)Science Advance (1)Angewandte Chemie International Edition (21)Journal of the American Chemical Society (5)Advanced Materials (7)Nano Letters (5)Energy & Environmental Science (6)ACS Nano (6)IF>10TOP期刊發表論文60余篇,期刊封面論文41篇,HotESIVIP論文40余篇;論文被引10000多次,H-index58;主編學術專著3部。



    Nanocrystals exhibit a wide range of unique properties (e.g., electrical, optical, and optoelectronic) that depend sensitively on their size and shape, and are of both fundamental and practical interest. Breakthrough strategies that will facilitate the design and synthesis of a large diversity of nanocrystals with different properties and controllable size and shape in a simple and convenient manner are of key importance in revolutionarily advancing the use of nanocrystals for a myriad of applications in lightweight structural materials, optics, electronics, photonics, optoelctronics, magnetic technologies, sensory materials and devices, catalysis, drug delivery, biotechnology, and among other emerging fields. In this talk, I will elaborate two general and robust strategies for crafting a large variety of functional 0D and 1D nanocrystals with precisely controlled dimensions (i.e., plain, core/shell and hollow nanoparticles; plain and core/shell nanorods; nanotubes) by capitalizing on a set of rationally designed unimolecular star-like and bottlebrush-like block copolymers, respectively, as nanoreactors. These two strategies are effective and able to produce oil-soluble and water-soluble monodisperse nanoparticles and nanorods, including metallic, ferroelectric, magnetic, luminescent, semiconductor, perovskite, and their core/shell structures, which represent a few examples of the kind of nanocrystals that can be produced using these techniques. The applications of these functional nanocrystals in energy conversion and storage (e.g., dye-sensitized solar cells, perovskite solar cells, thermoelectrics, etc.) will also be discussed.



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