報告題目:Separation membranes for water treatment and Clean Energy
報 告 人 :馮獻社教授
邀 請 人 :王艷教授
Dr. Feng is a University Research Chair and Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Waterloo. He is internationally renowned for his work on membranes and separation processes. He has been on the Editorial Boards of Journal of Membrane Science and Separation & Purification Technology, the premier journals in the field. He also serves as a Subject Editor for Chemical Engineering Research & Design. Among others, he has developed a membrane-based olefin-paraffin separation technology which is being commercially exploited. His research to date has resulted in 11 patents, 150+ papers in peer-reviewed journals, and numerous conference presentations (including Plenary Lectures and Keynote presentations) and seminars/lectures at companies and research institutions worldwide. He is a recipient of the Premier’s Research Excellence Award (2005), the University of Waterloo Outstanding Performance Awards (2006, 2010 & 2014), and the University of Waterloo Faculty of Engineering Distinguished Performance Awards (2002, 2005 & 2013).