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Gangli Wang

作者:  發布:2015-09-23 00:00:00  點擊量:

報告題目:Nanoelectrochemistry in Sensing and Energy Conversion

人:Prof.Gangli WangGeorgia State University)




Dr. Gangli Wang got his B.S. and M.S. degrees from Peking University in 1996 and 1999 respectively. He received his Ph. D. degree under the direction of Dr. Royce Murray at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2004. After a postdoc training with Dr. Henry White at the University of Utah, Gangli started his independent career at Chemistry at GSU. He is currently an Associate Professor with Tenure. The research in Wang’s group has been supported by NSF, DOE and university funding. The main thrust of our research is nanoelectrochemistry. We thrive to gain fundamental insights for better biomedical and energy applications.

The talk will be centered at fundamental electrochemistry concepts and the applications in biosensing, gold cluster as nanomolecular probes, and selective ion transport for better desalination and energy conversion. We will start by the development of microelectrode sensors for microRNAs as disease biomarkers. An electrocatalytic signal amplification mechanism is designed to directly quantify micro RNAs in circulation at sub-fM to nM concentration range. The talk will mainly focus on the electrochemical and optical properties of thiolate stabilized gold clusters. These nanomolecules are unique in that molecular composition and atomic bond structures can be elucidated. The information enables possible structure-functions correlations for better catalysis, charge and energy storage, sensing and biomedical applications. Time dependent ion transport phenomena emerging at nanometer scale interfaces will be briefly addressed.



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