David Crich

報告題目:Stereocontrolled glycosidic bond formation: A challenge and an inspiration for organic chemists
報 告 人:David Crich(Wayne State University 教授)
報告人簡介:Crich教授是世界糖化學乃至有機化學領域最頂尖的研究者之一,已在Nature Chem,JACS,Angew等國際高水平期刊發表論文370篇,其中包括60篇以上發表在JACS和Angew上,目前H因子為51。曾任法國天然產物化學研究所所長,獲得過美國化學會及英國皇家化學會多項榮譽和獎勵,目前是美國Wayne州立大學教授,Orgnic Lett 編委會成員。主要研究方向是自由基化學和糖化學。
Abstract: Just as chemistry is the all enabling science, carbohydrate chemistry enables glycoscience, and is in turn itself enabled by glycosidic bond forming reactions – known as glycosylation or glycosidation and one of organic chemistries biggest black boxes. The lecture will discuss work underway in the Crich laboratory conducted with the aim of demystifying the glycosylation reaction so as to provide a stronger basic for the rational development of improved glycosylation reactions. A particular focus of the lecture will be on the development of cation clock reactions for the determination of the molecularity of glycosylation reactions. Other reactions to be discussed include a variety of deamination reactions in the context of sialic acid chemistry.